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Ulladulla, NSW, Australia
Two oldies enjoying life or what is left of it

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Day 4 - Dunedoo


Dunedoo is well know to Australian travellers due to its unique name.  The name is actually derived from a local Aboriginal word meaning "Swan" which are found in the lagoons surrounding the town.

The town has a love of poetry, art and rural life.     The murals on the silos in town are fantastic and the iron sculptures located in the O L Milling Lions Park remarkable.

Street Art

George, of course, was only interested in one thing and one thing only.   Having a beer a the Dunedoo pub.

We ventured out to Mendooran which turned out to be a none event and a wood gathering exercise for our fire at the van park.      Unfortunately the bull ants decided that George was invading their space and decide to let him know.     I must admit the desire to piss my pants whilst watching George hop around in the bull ant mound and jumping up and down like a frog in a sock was hard to contain.   I should have offered him some assistance for the obvious pain he was enduring.   He took it like a man, so proud of him!!

Sorry was laughing too much for a photo.

Our last night in Dunedoo was spent at our van dining beside the camp fire and having a quite vino.

Probably the only downside of the van park was its position beside the rail line and the train that goes through in the early hours of the morning.

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