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Ulladulla, NSW, Australia
Two oldies enjoying life or what is left of it

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Day 15 - Nindigully


Day 15 - Nindigully Pub

Well we left Hebel nice and early after a great night beside the fire outside the pub.

We travelled though Dirranbandi where we stopped for morning tea.   Great Russian Bakery.   We were altered by the owner of the presence of "Mulga" snakes.   A type of brown snake.    One was sunning itself on the concrete outside the bakery the week before and killed a small dog.    Now everywhere I go all I see is things moving in the grass.

From Dirranbandi we travelled to Noondoo and then Thallon where we found an open weigh station and found we were 100kg overweight.   That was all good as we had filled the tanks the day before with water because we were free camping at Nindigully.      There are also beautifully painted silos at Thallon.

After taking another wrong turn, this time not my fault, the driver would not slow down for me to find out which way we were suppose to be heading.   A quick whip back around and we were on our way to Nindigully Pub.

We arrived at Nindigully mid morning and where able to snag a spot by river.   Whilst this sounds beautiful (which it was) the parking of the van in this spot was a point of contention between the driver and the navigator.      It took several goes, lots of huffing and I am sure choice words which I couldn't hear as I was outside the car, before we got it  just right.

This has been one of the few spots so far that it has been warm enough to sit outside and enjoy the sunlight.     

We wandered over to the pub for lunch which whilst very nice was a little on the expensive side.  

Georgie still mumbling about his drill but sa la vie I am sure the next Bunnings will score some more of our dollars.

We spent the afternoon enjoying the warmer weather at the van before heading across to the pub for dinner, where we share a pizza and imbided in a few vinos around the fire,

Not a late night but a night without any heating so we broke out the extra blankets and managed to stay nice a snug all night.   They breed us grey nomads tough you know.

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