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Ulladulla, NSW, Australia
Two oldies enjoying life or what is left of it

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Tally of mishaps, fixes and lost and found


So its been three weeks since we left home and we are not missing it one bit.  


1.    Tilly escaped from her bike cart whilst moving which left her a little shaken and sore,


1.    The diesel heater has packed it in at Gilgandra and is dead until we get home and the boyfriend     can get parts to fix it.  This has limited out free camping in the colder areas.

2.     The gas line to the outdoor kitchen was kinked which inhibited the gas flow.     Temporary fix in Lightning Ridge until we get home.

2.    The aerial decided to not go up or down in St George.   Quick fix with some WD40 got this        moving  again.       Who needs Dave Lameks or Bondie!!

3.    The caravan door.    It has taken three weeks to sort out the proper alignment of the door but finally I think we got it!


1.    His bloody drill.   Did he curse the so and so that took it for two days non bloody stop.

2.    One awning clip left behind by not me!


1.    His bloody drill because even though I had been assured he had looked everywhere, I took a mummy look and what should I find in the canope of the car but the stolen drill!!!

All in all touch wood doing well!!

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