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Ulladulla, NSW, Australia
Two oldies enjoying life or what is left of it

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Day 49 and 50 - Armidale to Tamworth

Day 49 - Home of the Golden Guitar.

We left Armidale early and the road south, again raining on and off until we reached Tamworth.   We travelled only a short distance today through Uralla and Bendemere before reaching Tamworth.

We were relieved to see the Peel River was running well but far from flooding.

Now we all know Tamworth is the home of Country Music but I must say it is also the home of a million nasty bats!!   It also has the most beautiful green spaces and parks well equipped the picnic areas, duck ponds, places to eat and lots of space for kids to play.

Of course we visited the Golden Guitar, the Oxley Lookout, took a trip out the Nundle where I got to go to the woollen mill and buy some beautiful wool and George got to experience the ale at the Nundle pub.

We took a look at the dam and beautiful countryside around Tamworth.        We have stayed in a caravan park right in town which has been really convenient and offered seniors discount.

One thing for sure, we are getting closer to home.

Day 47 and 48 - Stanthorpe to Armidale

 From Stanthorpe we ventured back into NSW through Glenn Innes and Tenterfield to Armidale.

It pretty much rained all the way and when entering Armidale the minor flooding affecting some of these inland towns was evident.

 Our time here was short (2 nights), wet, muddy and a little cold.

Day 45 & 46 - Beenleigh to Stanthorpe


Now we agonised over which way to head south.

Down the coast or inland.    Down the coast and we would get to catch up with all our friends living on the north coast and central coast.  Dilemma here was we hadn't factored in the Queensland, Victoria and NSW School holidays.     When we were trying to find places to stay it was evident we were going to be battling up hill with all the little grommets on holidays.

So we decided to head inland and visit places we had yet to experience.

Well the weather also decided to play a big part in trip.   Another bloody east coast low decided to hover over south east queensland and northern coast of NSW.    This meant travelling inland would mean dodging minor flooding and hoping to hell it stayed minor.

So we headed off to Stanthorpe, the apple capital of Queensland.   Again due to weather this time no photos as we were being inundated with rain.      We spent two nights here visiting the Stanthorpe Cheese factory where we indulged in a beautiful ploughmans lunch for two and dinner at O'Maras pub which for a Wednesday night was packed.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Day 43 and 44 - Samford to Beenleigh


Today we travelled down the freeway south to Beenleigh.

Whilst this was a short trip it was another trip through the suburbs of Brisbane, through the city and down the freeway towards the Gold Coast.

The purpose of this stop was to catch up with George's nephew Jason was was celebrating his birthday and a quick catch up with my sister in Nerang.

Unfortunately we did not take any family photos.

We stayed two nights at the Beenleigh Showgrounds and were treated to a car meet and swap meet.

Interesting cars and people.

Day 37 to Day 42



Our week in Samford Showgrounds was all about my catching up with my mum's side of the family.

So whilst we awaited the big day of Geoff Banham's 80th birthday we spent a bit of down sorting out the van and George doing what he does best, socialising with other campers.

The week spent at Samford Showgrounds highlighted for us the impact of our housing crisis in Australia.   The amount of people living in caravans, campers, tents etc was really shocking.     We travel of enjoyment and live in our van.   For a lot of the people here they were working but could not afford the rent charged by landlords or waiting for housing to become available.      These were not people looking for handouts, they were families with husbands or mothers working but not lucky enough to own their own home.

This is just one showground around a major city in one state.    I shudder to think what the other major  cities in Australia are like.   We say we are the lucky country, its about time we started to look after each other.      The NSW Government need to start looking at offering seniors who are downsizing and reducing their carbon footprint a stamp duty break on the next home and go back to giving first home owners a full exemption from stamp duty at a reasonable capped purchase price not one that these days does not even buy a vacant block of land.     I will not even start my lecture on what I think about landlords those choose to charge excessive rents.

So we spent a lot of the week touring around the back blocks of  Brisbane.      Mount Glorious, Mount Nebo,  Fernvale, Samford Village, the Gap and Moggill.

We visited Geoff and Jane Banham at the Gap and they returned the visit to us at Samford Showground.   It is also great to catch up with these two and spend quality time together.

On Friday night we spent a beautiful evening at Russell and Kathy Banham's home in Tenerrife with the rest of the Banham clan, Daphne, Roslyn, Sandra and Warren.    We were also joined by Jane's sister Anne, Elizabeth and her husband.     It was great night and we were treated to the most beautiful spread of food and wine.

Saturday night was the big one.   Geoff's 80th and what a great job Kim Tania and Jenny and their respective partners and family put on for everyone.       We got to catch up with cousins, cousins kids and their kids.   Three generations.

Day 36 - Toowoomba to Highvale (Samford Village)


Day 36 - 

Well we left Toowoomba and tackled the steep descent into the Lockyer Valley this time with the caravan hitched.

After holding his breath for at least ten minutes we travelled along the freeway into Brisbane.

Well I thought the steep descent out of Toowoomba was going to do the hubby's head in until we reached the streets of outer Brisbane.   Between the hills, the narrow roads and city traffic I think I heard every swear word known to mankind and what he thought about the design of Brisbane suburbs and roads.

We did finally make our journey's resting place, Samford Showgrounds.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Day 35 - Lockyer Valley


Day 35

We decided to head down from the range on which Toowoomba sits and drive though the Lockyer Valley.

We passed through th towns of Helidon, Grantham and Gatton.

We visited Forest Hill where we stopped for coffee and a wander through the quaint stores.

We then travelled to Laidley which had a spring festival market and we spent a lovely time enjoying the warmer weather and lovely surroundings

Day 34 - Toowoomba


Day 34 -    

Well what a night.    We had a huge thunderstorm pass over last night with lots of rain, lightening and thunder.

The result of course it is rather damp under foot but the skies are clear and fresh.   

Unfortunately we woke to the news of the passing of the Queen Elizabeth which sad.   Quite a remarkable life.   Not sure King Charles sits so well with me but time will tell.

We ventured up to Picnic Point this morning.   The big flag on the hill was flying at half mast which was just another reminder of the Queen's passing.

The view from here down over the Lockyer Valley was stunning.   The night's rain made it crisp and clear.

Our next stop for the day were the Japanese Gardens in Toowoomba.   Again these were stunning and very picturesque.